We have published new resources to help employers understand their legal obligations to protect and support employees going through the menopause.   

Workers who are experiencing menopause may be protected from less favourable treatment because of their symptoms, on the grounds of age and sex. 

Additionally, if menopausal symptoms have a significant and persistent impact on a woman’s capacity to engage in her routine daily activities, they may qualify as a disability.  Under the Equality Act 2010, an employer will be under a legal obligation to make reasonable adjustments and to not discriminate against the worker.  

Our new guidance aims to clarify these legal obligations and provide practical tips for employers on making reasonable adjustments and fostering positive conversations about the menopause with their workers.

We hope that this guidance helps ensure every woman going through the menopause is treated fairly and can work in a supportive and safe environment.

View our guidance for employers on menopause in the workplace

Learn top tips for managing menopause in the workplace

The above information is from News from the Equality and Human Rights Commission Newsletter Fri 01/03/2024