Anyone working or volunteering within the health and care sector can register to receive a link to the Digital and Data Skills Resource Hub where they’ll have the chance to browse and access over 200 free resources before leaving feedback via a short online evaluation form.

Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) calls for people to share experiences accessing care records as it vows to improve support. Read more here.

Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) pauses registration applications. Read more here.

Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities (SCLD) would like to invite you to attend the second in its series of International Perspectives webinar. The theme of this webinar is International Perspectives on Building Inclusive Communities. Read more here.

If you're interested in becoming a person-centred coach to improve experiences of care and support in your organisation, applications are open for CEIM Leaders cohorts 3 and 4. Read more here

We now publish our Provider Updates every three weeks and focus our content on Care Inspectorate news and activity.

We encourage services to follow us on social media, regularly check our website and The Hub as well as the social media and websites of other relevant organisations, to keep up to date with the latest news and guidance.

The above information is from Provider update for adult and older people services from the Care Inspectorate Newsletter Thu 21/03/2024

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