Hi. I have included this article from the Equality and Human Rights Commission Newsletter Fri 01/03/2024 but I don`t think it covers Scotland, since Scotland has NHS Scotland and it also has Equality and Human Rights Commission (Scotland).

We have responded to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on their guidance to accompany the new fundamental standard on visiting and accompaniment in care homes, hospitals and hospices. 

Visits from friends and family can have a significant impact on wellbeing for those in hospitals, care homes, or other care settings. Better facilitation of visiting – particularly in long-term residential settings – can also help support transparency which reduces the risk of poor care and abuse.

We welcome this action from the CQC but recommend that they strengthen their guidance to ensure it accurately reflects the requirements placed on providers under the regulation. 

Read our consultation response to the Care Quality Commission's draft guidance

The above information is from News from the Equality and Human Rights Commission Newsletter Fri 01/03/2024