Let our free course help you to tackle stress ...

For more information visit: www.moodcafe.co.uk

About Step on Stress ...

⦁        Step on Stress is a three week course which takes place once a


⦁        Each session is roughly 1.5 hours with a short break in the middle.

⦁        You will NOT be expected to discuss your personal problems. This is a class not a group therapy session.

⦁        The course works best if you attend all three sessions.

⦁        You will be given handouts at each session. To get the most out of Step on Stress you can go through these at your own pace at home.

⦁        Step on Stress is run by two psychology assistants who have been trained to deliver this course.


Is Step on Stress For Me?

"Things just seem to get on top of me"

"I feel tense and wound up a lot of the time"

"I'm not sleeping well"

"I'm not getting much enjoyment from life"

"I just feel generally stressed most of the time"

If you recognise some of the above comments and you are ready to start tackling your stress then Step on Stress could be for you!

 For more information on how to book a place on a Step on Stress course see the back of this leaflet or go online to www.moodcafe.co.uk

Session One - Manage your Stress

This session introduces common signs of stress and what things can make stress stick around. The session will help you to understand your personal stress pattern. You will be given some tips for tackling your stress that you can take on board straight away.

Session Two - Manage your Body How does stress make your body react?

This session will focus on answering this question. It also covers ways to really relax yourself You will be able to use these relaxation techniques at home with the help of a relaxation CD (provided ).

People often avoid tackling their stress, but sometimes doing this brings more problems. Session two discusses how you can stop avoiding and start tackling your stress.

Session Three - Manage your Mind

This session focuses on unhelpful ways of thinking. You will be given techniques to help you get on top of worrying and unhelpful negative thoughts.

Common Questions ...

Will I have to talk in front of other people?
No. It is not group therapy, it is a class. All the seats face the front. The person teaching the course will stand at the front and teach you all about stress and how to tackle it.

Will I have to write things on the course?
No. All you are asked to do is to tick your name off the register so we know who has come to the class.

What if I meet someone I know?
You may do. Stress is a very common problem and everyone is in the same boat. As we don't discuss personal problems, you don't get to know about why others are coming.

Will there be others on the course like me?
Stress affects people from all walks of life.
Although no two people will have exactly the same problems, you will all have a lot in common.

Can I bring someone with me?
Yes. Bring them for a bit of support or for them to learn about stress. They may be under stress as well so they might be helped. The two of you can then fight it together.

What if I am not clever enough to understand it?
The course is straight-forward. We give handouts which you can read at your own pace.

Where are they held?
Classes take place in many locations in Fife.
There are usually 20 or so people who attend.

Do you offer other classes?
Yes, we also offer one-off 2-hr classes on other topics related to emotional wellbeing.


Taking part in Step on Stress ...

Information on how to book is available on www.moodcafe.co.uk


Please call Step on Stress Service on

01383 565442,

leave a message on the machine and we

shall get back to you.


Drop us an email at:

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and we shall reply as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

The above information is from a NHS Fife pamphlet I picked up at my Doctors practice

Below are images of the above pamphlet