The Carers Strategic Policy Statement maps the main policies across the Scottish Government which are particularly relevant to unpaid carers - alongside the outcomes these policies contribute towards and the Scottish Government’s overall ambitions for carers and carer support. 

It is intended to assist local and national strategic planning and policy development in the statutory, independent and third sector to understand the existing national policies and approaches in place to support unpaid carers in Scotland.

The Carers Strategic Policy Statement is intended to maximise the benefits from national policies and approaches intended to support carers - it aims to do this by connecting a wide range of existing policies.

​A draft Statement has been developed following intensive informal engagement with stakeholders.

The Scottish Government wants to ensure it covers the right information and is presented in a way which will be genuinely useful to its intended audience. A formal consultation on the draft document will whether or not it achieves these aims.

If you would like to review and comment on the Draft Carers Strategic Policy Statement Consultation, please click on the link below.

Betsy Wojcik

Research Advisor

Fife Council

Research Team

Rothesay House (2nd floor, south)




Telephone:      01592 583138

Internal calls:  441206