Dear People's Panel Member

This email is to let you know that Fife Health and Social Care Partnership's Digital Strategy Working Group would like to thank everyone who participated in the first consultation of developing their Digital Strategy 2023-2026.  The Partnership received a significant response to the first consultation and people's feedback has influenced the design of the draft of the Digital Strategy 2023-26. 

They are now inviting people to take part in the second consultation phase.  They would like to hear from local people, people working in third and independent sectors, and people working across the Health and Social Care Partnership, NHS Fife and Fife Council, to ensure that they capture everyone's voice in the strategy.

The consultation should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.  You can access the consultation by clicking here.  

The information that you provide will be anonymised and included in reports and presentations - you will not be identified.

If you would like the survey form in a different format, or would like help to complete the form, please contact:

Name: Tatiana Zorina, Participation & Engagement Officer, Fife Health & Social Care Partnership

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The closing date for survey responses is Friday 31st May 2024.

Kind regards


Fife People's Panel

Fife Council, Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 5LT

The above information is from People Panel Fife Health and Social Care Partnership - Digital Strategy Tue 19/03/2024