If you would like to volunteer as a befriender with us but are not sure what would be involved now`s your chance to find out more!

Our volunteer befrienders and some of the carers who have benefitted from the service invite you join them for a chat over a cup of tea and a tasty treat. You`ll be able to find out what`s involved and how a very simple idea has really been of great benefit to some carers who were feeling isolated and lacking in self confidence.

If you can`t come along but would like to have a chat with someone about how you could be a volunteer befriender to someone you can call and speak to Helen Honorè, Befriending Co-ordinator, on 01592 205472 or email her on mailto:Helen.Honorè@fifecarers.co.uk for more information or an application pack.

The above information is from a Fife Carers Centre Newsletter May 2018 Issue 76 I picked up at my Doctors practise